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The sessions held by the Working Group on the Quality of Childhood at the European Parliament in the period 2006-2024

Year 2024

21 November 2024

95. “Empowering Teachers for Wellbeing: Unlocking Creativity, Autonomy, and Resilience is taking place!”

This Quality of Childhood Talk (QoC) took place in the frame of Lifelong Learning Platform during the LLLWeek 2024.

In organising of this QoC, Alliance for Childhood ENG was supported by its partners: ECSWE, Learning for Well-being Foundation and

EMDR Europe.


Invitation & Agenda

Opening “Teaching as an art” by Christopher Clouder - Chair of the Alliance for Childhood – ENG

video here

Prevention, Intervention, Post-vention by Dr May Joan Camilleri (EMDR Europe)

video here

European Commission perspective by Cécile Le Clercq and Chiara Piccolo

video here 

Q&A session facilitated by Chiara Piccolo (Managing Director of the Alliance for Childhood - ENG)

video here 

The presentation “Teacher Resilience” by Martyn Rawson – Teacher of Steiner School from ECSWE 

video here 

Closing words by Christopher Clouder- Chair of the Alliance for Childhood – ENG

video here 


1 October 2024

94. “Public Policies For Children In Europe”.

The QoC was organised by the European Parliament Coordinator of Children Rights in collaboration with Alliance for Childhood

European Network Group, Learning for Well-being Foundation and EuroHealthNet.

Host: Ewa Kopacz (Vice President and the European Parliament Coordinator on Children’s Rights).

All the QoC presentations has been published on the official website of the European Parliament – Children Rights Coordinator


Latest news on children's right in the EU (


2 July 2024

93. “Neuroscience and Music: the power of music for social and emotional development and well-being of children”.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with Sistema Europe, FONDAZIONE MARIANI and Learning for Well-Being Foundation.

Alliance for Childhood ENG held this Event on Zoom.

Invitation and Agenda

The Power of Music: Multiple roles and benefits in individual and social development of children.

video here

​Welcome words by Christopher Clouder (Chair of the Alliance for Childhood – ENG) 

video here

Composition of new EU Parliament by Chiara Piccolo (Managing Director of the Alliance for Childhood - ENG) 

video here

Closing remarks by Christopher Clouder (Chair of the Alliance for Childhood – ENG) 

video here

Q&A session moderated by Christopher Clouder (Chair of the Alliance for Childhood – ENG

video here

Young representatives telling their stories about What is Music for them and what policy makers can do to support that 

video here


5 March 2024

92. “Meaningful schooling: Why we need to create attractive environments. Beyond just ‘tolerable’ education”.

Alliance for Childhood ENG was invited, as an expert by MEP Niels Geuking.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with Learning for Well-Being Foundation, HBSC and ECSWE (UK)

Invitation and Agenda

Welcome by Christopher Clouder (chair Alliance for Childhood – ENG)

Kath Bransby presentation (ECSWE (UK))

Dr. Jo Inchley presentation (HBSC)

Year 2023

5 December 2023

91. “Trauma informed approaches in services for young children and their caregivers”.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with Learning for Well-Being Foundation, ISSA – the International Step by Step Association

and Dr. Mathias Urban. (who holds the Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education at Dublin City University.)

Host: MEP Milan BRGLEZ.

Invitation and Agenda

Full recording of the 91st QoC (link on YouTube)



26 September 2023

90. “Environments for children and youth and mental health: evidence and youth perspectives.”.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with Learning for Well-Being Foundation, Act2gether Europe.

The London School of Economics and Political Science & HBSC (Health Behaviour in School-Aged Children (World Health


Host: MEP Radka MAXOVÁ

Invitation and Agenda

Full recording the 90th QoC (Link on Youtube)


6 June 2023

89. “Cost effectiveness of trauma informed approaches: Three approaches that address adversity and trauma in childhood”.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with Learning for Well-Being Foundation.

EMDR Europe Association, stART International e.V. and Maya Vakfi Foundation.

Host: MEP Radka MAXOVÁ

Invitation and Agenda




9 March 2023

88. “Supporting families to meet children’s needs by making a quality family support a right for all children”.

The QoC was organised in collaboration with EuroFamNet and Learning for Well-Being Foundation.

Host: MEP Helmut Geuking

Invitation and Agenda
Full recording of 88th QoC (Link on Youtube)


Year 2022

30 November 2022

87. “Media Maturity and How to Build it".

The QoC was organised in collaboration with ECSWE (European Council of Steiner Waldorf Education) in the framework of the LifeLong

Learning Week (LLLWeek 2022).

Host: MEP Victor Negrescu

Invitation and Agenda

Full recording of 87th QoC (Link on ESCWE Youtube)

Highlights and interviews with speakers (Link on ESCWE Youtube)

ECSWE YouTube channel with single interviews


11 October 2022

86. ''What Makes Me?" Report European Launch
Host: MEP Helmut Geuking; MEP Dragos Pîslaru; MEP Brando Benifei, MEP Maria Walsh

Interview by MEP Geuking to Christopher Clouder, Daniel Kropf, Dominic Richardson (the link on Youtube)


14 June 2022

85. '25th Anniversary of the International Alliance for Childhood '
Full recording of the 25th Anniversary QoC

Photos of partners at the Conference


15 March 2022

84. 'Rethinking migrant children and youth integration strategies: lessons learnt in times of pandemic'
Host: MEP Sylvie Guillaume

Video of MEP Sylvie Guillaume
Video of  prof Claudio Baraldi
Video of Mary Tupan

Year 2021

3 December 2021

83. 'Struggle and Success: Inspiring stories of transforming assessment from across Europe'
This QoC Talk is simultaneously part of Lifelong Learning Week, hosted by the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLLWeek).
Host: MEP Michaela Šojdrová


19 November 2021

82. Concert by Children from Sistema Europe to celebrate the 32nd Anniversary of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (TBC).
Host: MEP Helmut Geuking.



7 September 2021

81. 'Core Capabilities for Living and Learning in Childhood'
The presentation have been given by Dominic Richardson from the UNICEF Innocenti Research Institute in Florence, Italy and Daniel

Kropf, Chair of the Learning for Well-being Foundation in the Netherlands.
Host: MEPs Dragos Pîslaru and Helmut Geuking

Dominic Richardson's Presentation
Daniel Kropf´s speech
Video of MEP Dragos Pîslaru
Video of Christopher Clouder on Childhood Poem 


2 March 2021

80. 'Young Europeans and their emerging ideas about political identities in an age of authoritarian dissent and fabricated news.

What can we do to encourage their political understanding?'
The presentation have been given by Professor Alistair Ross, London Metropolitan University, UK
Host: MEP Brando Benifei and MEP Helmut Geuking

Year 2020

1 December 2020

79. 'Assessment and dialogue: Enabling pupils to actively participate in their assessment'
The presentation have been given by ECSWE, Learning for Well-being Foundation and the Hungarian Waldorf Federation.
Host: MEP Michaela Sojdrovná



20 November 2020

78. 'Music event to celebrate the 31st Anniversary of the UN convention on the Rights of the Child'
Video of the Music event
Event Page


1 September 2020

77. 'OECD's International Early Learning and Child Wellbeing Study (IELS). Is this the way forward for EU?'
The presentation have been given by professor Dr. Mathias Urban, who holds the Desmond Chair of Early Childhood Education at

Dublin City University.
Host: MEP Helmut Geuking

A video of key-note-speaker's presentation


3 March 2020

76. 'Trauma Treatment of Children'
The presentation have been given by 
EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), the Foundation for Social Welfare

Services in Malta and stART International.
Host: MEP Helmut Geuking

Year 2019

6 November 2019

75. '100 Years of Waldorf Education: What Inspiration for Society at large?'

The presentation will be given by Clara Aerts, International coordinator of the International Association for Steiner /Waldorf Early Childhood

Education (IASWECE) and Margareta van Raemdonck, Member of the Board of the European Council for Steiner Waldorf Education (ECSWE),

and the Representative of the Steiner Schools in the Flemish Commission.
Host: MEP Helmut Geuking


3 September 2019

74. Concert by Children from Sistema Europe to welcome the MEPs in the European Parliament building with the Anthem of the

European Union.
Host: MEP Julie Ward


3 September 2019

73. 'Making music together as a way to help children to connect, to integrate and to flourish' The presentation will be given by

Marshall Marcus, the founder and director of Sistema Europe.
Host: MEP Julie Ward 


5 March 2019

72. 'Adolescence as a sensitive period for learning and social-emotional engagement'
The presentation will be given by Professor Dr. Eveline Crone, Professor of Neurocognitive Developmental Psychology at Leiden

University in the Netherlands
Host: MEP Arne Gericke

Year 2018

4 December 2018

71. 'Janusz Korczak and his Lessons for the Quality of Childhood'
The presentation will be given by Theo Cappon and Helma Brouwers of the Dutch Janusz Korczak Association.
Host: MEP József Nagy


4 September 2018

70. ´The Importance of Art in Childhood; Case Studies from the UK and Finland´

The presentation was given by Ruth Churchill Dower, Founder and Director from EarlyArts in the UK and Iina Berden, special government

advisor in the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture.
Host: MEP Julie Ward
Presentation: Lina Berden 


5 June 2018

69. 'New Discoveries in the field of brain science can contribute significantly to a healthy childhood ant the well-being of children.

Presentation of an initiative in alberta, Canada'

The presentation was given by Nancy Mannix, Founder and Chairman of the Palix Foundation and the Alberta Family Wellness Initiative (AFWI)

in Alberta Canada
Host: MEP Henna Virkkunen


6 March 2018

68. 'Towards a New Pedagogical Culture'

The presentation was given by Dr. Martina Leibovici-Mühlberger from Austria.
Host: MEP Evelyn Regner

Year 2017

7 November 2017

67. 'The new educational curriculum in Finland. Goals, underlying values, guiding principles and how and why it was brought about'

The presentation will be given by Irmeli Halinen, former Head of National Curriculum Development and a Counsellor of Education in

the Finnish National Agency of Education.

Host: MEP Hannu Takkula


5 September 2017

66. 'Art Education Promotes the development of the Child and Society'

The presentation will be given by Dr. Eeva Anttila, Professor of Dance

Pedagogy at Theatre Academy of the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Host: MEP Julie Ward


20 June 2017

65. 'The Pros and Cons of OECD's International Early Learning Study (IELS)' The IELS Project will be introduced by Rowena Phair,

Team Leader of the project at the OECD, followed by a critique about IELS by Professor Dr. Mathias Urban (Early Childhood) and

Director of the Early Childhood Research Centre, University of Roehampton, UK.

Host: MEP Mary Honeyball. Presentations: Rowena Phair, Mathias Urban


11 April 2017

64. 'Primary Health Care for Children in Europe. Similarities and Differences between Coutries - what do they Mean? Interim findings

of thee Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) Horizon 2020 Project'

The presentation will be given by Professor Michael Rigby and Dr. Denise Alexander, MOCHA Project, Imperial College London UK.

Host: MEP Hannu Takkula


7 March 2017

63. 'Innovation in Education. Improving Learning & Well-Being' The presentation will be given by Professor Dr. Els Laenens,

University of Antwerp.

Host: MEP József Nagy


10 January 2017

62. 'Children with Imprisoned Parents: How to Support Children to Cope with Their Parent´s Imprisonment and

Enhance Their Potential to Lead Safe, Included, Happy, Achieving Lives?'

The presentation will be given by Kate Philbrick and Hannah Lynn of Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE),

with which this session has been organised.

Host: MEP Julie Ward

Year 2016

8 November 2016

61. 'How to Empower Parents for a Better Quality of Childhood? Lessons from the EU Research Project INCLUD-ED'.

The presentation will be given by Professor Ramón Flecha (CREA, Community of Research on Excellence for All), University of

Barcelona, Spain.

This QoC Talk is organised in cooperation with the European Parents' Organisation (EPA).

Host: MEP István Ujhelyi


6 September 2016

60. 'Toward Media Literacy or Media Addiction? Contours of Good governance for Healthy Childhood in the Digital World' 

The presentation will be given by Professor Dr. Paula Bleckmann from the Alanus University of Arts and Sciences, Germany.

Host: MEP Julie Ward


14 June 2016

59. 'What Can We Do to Establish a Good Education and Which New Pedagogical Approach We May Use'.

The presentation will be given by Martine Reicherts, Director-General for Education and Culture in the European Commission.

Host: MEP Julie Ward


26 April 2016

58. 'What Constitutes Good Education and What Are the Roles of Measurement and Evaluation in It?'.

The presentation will be given by Professor Dr. Gert Biesta, Professor of Education, Brunel University London, UK,

Visiting Professor (Art Education), Artez, Institute for the Arts, the Netherlands, Associate Member of the Education Council of the

Netherlands and Chief advisory editor 'Studies in Philosophy and Education'.

Host: MEP Liisa Jaakonsaari


1 March 2016

57. 'Refugee and Immigrant Children and Youngsters: Some Reflections on the Successful Integration of Them in the Receiving


The presentation will be given by Professor Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, PhD, Department of Psychology, University of Athens, Greece

and by Lilana Keith, Advocacy Officer of PICUM (Platform for International Cooperation on Undocumented Migrants).

Host: MEP Caterina Chinnici


12 January 2016

56. 'Curious Minds: ´The English Approach to Offer Rich Educational and Cultural Programmes to All Children and Young People'.

The presentation will be given by Derri Burdon, the Chief Executive of Curious Minds, a charitable company in the

North West of England dedicated to helping children and young people achieve their greatest asset: their creative potential.

Host: MEP Julie Ward

Year 2015

17 November 2015

55. 'Prosperity Without Growth: A Vision of a Lasting Prosperity For All' The presentation will be given by Professor dr. Tim Jackson,

Professor of Sustainable Development and Director of the Sustainable Lifestyles Research Group (SLRG) at the University of Surrey, UK

and author of the book 'Prosperity without growth, Economics for a Finite Planet'.

Host: MEP Younous Omarjee and MEP Molly Scott Cato and MEP Jean Lambert


1 September 2015

54. 'Elham Palestine: a Multisector National Partnership Towards Making Schools More Conducive to Children's Well-being.

What is the Philosophy and Approach of Elham? What Positive Outcomes Have Resulted? In Which Way Can We Apply the Same

Approach in a European Context?' The presentation will be given by Dr. Marwan Awartani, President of Khaduri Technical University

and co-founder and Secretary-General of the Universal Education Foundation.

Host: MEP Julie Ward.


2 June 2015

53. 'Health Assets for Young People's Health and Well-being. A New Basis for a set of Indicators for Policy and Practice?

Key Results and Strategies from the Health Behaviour in School Aged Children (HBSC) Survey'  The presentation will be given by

Dr Antony Morgan, visiting Professor at the Glasgow Caledonian University, London Campus, UK, and leader of the MSc Public Health

with Social Action Programme.

Host: MEP Marie Arena and MEP Jana Zitnanska.


13 May 2015

52. 'Children's Well-Being Indicators: a Powerful Tool to Improve the Well-Being of Children. Launch of the European Report of

Children's Worlds'

The presentation will be given by Professor Ferran Casas, University of Girona, Spain, Professor Sabine Andresen, Goethe-Universität,

Frankfurt, Germany and Professor Jonathan Bradshaw, University of York, UK.

Host: MEP Nathalie Griesbeck.


3 March 2015

51. '4000 City Councils for Children in France: how do they operate and what makes them succesful?' The presentation will be given

by Jonathan Lévy from the French NGO 'Initiatives of Change', the initiator and project director of CATS (Children as Actors for

Transforming Society) and Vice President of the International Janusz Korczak Association.

Host: MEP József Nagy.


6 January 2015

50. 'The effect of the Great Recession on Southern European Children's and Adolescents' Adaptation and Well-being: Risks and

Resilience Processes. What is necessary at this moment?' The presentation will be given by Professor Frosso Motti-Stefanidi, PhD,

Department of Psychology, University of Athens, Greece.

Host: MEP Kostas Chrysogonos.

Year 2014

11 November 2014

49. 'The Mental Health Situation of Children and Young People in the European Union: What is the Current Situation and What could

be done?'

The presentation will be given by Professor Dr. Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer and Dr. Veronika Ottova-Jordan from the University Medical

Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.

Host: MEP Anna Hedh.


9 September 2014

48. 'Developing inclusive systems across Education, Health and Social sectors for early school leaving prevention' The presentation

will be given by Dr. Paul Downes of Saint Patrick's College, Dublin City University.

Host: MEP Julie Ward.


8 July 2014

47. 'Youth employment in the EU member states: what is the current situation?, and what is the role of the European Commission in

the domain of the youth Initiative and the Youth Guarantee? Discussion of the Commission's Country Specific Recommendations'

The presentation will be given by Jeroen Jutte of the European Commission, Head of Unit, DG EMPL, Unit C1 European Employment

Strategy and Governance.

Host: MEP Julie Ward.


18 June 2014

46. 'Make the European Parliament a global Child Rights Champion'. The presentations will be given by representatives of the

Child Rights Action Group (CRAG) a.o. Jana Hainsworth of Eurochild and Deirdre de Burca of World Vision.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.


4 March 2014

45. Parents' partnership stability and quality as a context for child development. What are the challenges, and what policies and

programmes are in place?

Some insights from Germany' with Professor Dr. Sabine Walper, Research Director of the German Youth Institute in Munich, Germany.

Host: MEP Jürgen Klute.


7 January 2014

44. 'Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Systems in Europe: what are the current trends and what needs to be done?'

with Professor Dr. Mathias Urban, Professor of Early Childhood and Director of the Early Childhood Research Centre, University of

Roehampton, London, Great Britain.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner

Year 2013

12 November 2013

43. 'Positive human development: a spontaneous or guided process? 45 years of experience with longitudinal research and the policy

lessons that can be drawn from it' with Professor Lea Pulkkinen.

Host: MEP Anneli Jäätteenmäki.


3 September 2013

42. 'The Human Biotechnology Revolution is opening the door to the creation of  genetically modified 'designer babies': what is the

current situation?, what is at stake at the moment?, what needs to be done?, and what role could the European Union play in this

respect?' with Enola Aird, Founder and Director of  'Mothers for a Human Future'.

Host: MEP Anna Záborská.


4 June 2013

41. 'The commercialisation of childhood in the USA: what is the current situation, to what extent is it harmful for children, what needs

to be done and what are the lessons for the European Union? with Susan Linn, Founder and Director of the 'Campaign for a

Commercial-Free Childhood'.

Host: MEP Anna Záborská.


9 April 2013

40. Finland has the best literacy score in the European Union. What are the main elements of its strategy and to what extent can it be

copied by other countries? with Professor Heikki Lyytinen.

Host: MEP Liisa Jaakonsaari.


5 March 2013

39. 'IFFD's Family Enrichment Courses: the Case Study Method applied to Family Settings. What it is and how to provide it to more


with Marina Robben, President of the International Federation For Family Development (IFFD).

Host: MEP Anneli Jäätteenmäki and MEP Anna Záborská.


9 January 2013

38. 'Children and their connection with nature: why it is important and how can it be stimulated?' with Tim Gill from the UK.

Host: MEP Judith Merkies and MEP Gerald Häfner.

Year 2012

13 November 2012

37. 'How can we help children to reach their unique potential and how can we support the parents, caregivers and teachers in their

role vis-à-vis children' with Dr. Gordon Neufeld from Vancouver, Canada.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.


4 September 2012

36. '500,000 Preterm Births in Europe Each Year. What are the Dangers, and What are the Main Components of a Successful Strategy

to Address this Challenge?'  with Professor Luc Zimmermann (Belgium / Netherlands), Professor Dominique Haumont (Belgium) and

Silke Mader (Germany), all working with the European Foundation for the Care of Newborn Infants (EFCNI). 

Host: MEP Peter Liese.


5 June 2012

35. The State of Affairs of the Child in the City,  and What Needs To Be Done?  with  Dr. Jan van Gils, President and founder of the

European Network of Child Friendly Cities and President of the International Council for Children's Play.

Host: MEP Karin Kadenbach.


11 April 2012

34. 'Improving the Quality of Childhood as a challenge to European institutions: Reflections from the Ombudsmen for Children'

with Maria Kaisa Aula, the Finnish Ombudsman for Children.

Host: MEP Liisa Jaakonsaari.


6 March 2012

33. ' What Contribution can the Digital Environment make to the Improvement of the Quality of Childhood? with Professor Martine

Delfos from the Netherlands and Thibaut Kleiner of the Cabinet of Euro-commissioner Neelie Kroes.

Host: MEP Evelyn Regner.


10 January 2012

32. Presentation of a Proposal to set up a European Academy for Complementary Pedagogy by Jesper Juul.

Host: MEP Judith Merkies.

Year 2011

8 November 2011

31. Alcohol Nation, How to protect our children from today's drinking culture' with Dr. Aric Sigman.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.


6 September 2011

30. Presentation of the report 'Learning for Well-being: a Policy Priority for Children and Youth in Europe, A Movement for Change' by

Professor Ilona Kickbusch, Director of the Global Health Programme at the Graduate Institute of International Development Studies in


Host: MEP Karin Kadenbach.


31 May 2011

29. 'Learning to move and moving to learn. Why physical development in the early years supports later learning, behaviour and


with Sally Goddard Blythe, Director of The Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology in the UK.

Hosted by MEP Edward McMillan-Scott.


29 March 2011

28. 'A reflection on the European Commission's High Level Group on Literacy' with emeritus Professor Margaret Clark from the UK.

Host: MEP Lambert van Nistelrooij.


1 March 2011

27. 'Educating the Art of Life: Resilience and Creativity in Contemporary Education' with David Brierley, Associate Professor at the

Rudolf Steiner University College, Oslo Norway. 

Host: MEP Evelyn Regner.


11 January 2011

26. 'The Quality of the Physical Environment of the Child, the Current Problems in this area, and what needs to be done?' together

with the Health and Environment Alliance and the INCHES Network.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.

Year 2010

17 November 2010

25. 'The proposed research agenda for the European Commission re families and family policies' with Professor Dr. Uwe Uhlendorff of

the Technical University Dortmund, Germany.

Host: MEP Mr Gerald Häfner.


31 August 2010

24. 'The impact of television and screen media on the Quality of Childhood and what are good policies in this respect on the level of

the family, on the level of the country and on the EU level?' with Dr. Aric Sigman, author of the book 'Remotely controlled, how

television is damaging our lives'.

Host: MEP Karin Kadenbach.


8 June 2010

23. 'The City for the Children'. Key-note speaker: Vanessa Pallucchi, Director for Education of Legambiente, Rome, Italy.

Host: MEP Vittorio Prodi and MEP Karin Kadenbach.


13 April 2010

22. Improving the Quality of Childhood in the European Union: the Aspect of Parental Leave Policies by Professor Peter Moss of the

Thomas Coram Research Unit, Institute of Education, University of London.

Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.


2 March 2010

21. 'Improving the Quality of Childhood in the European Union: the Case of Roma Children' with Ivan Ivanov, Executive Director of the

European Roma Information Office (ERIO) and Bernard Rorke, Director of the Roma Initiative Programs of the Open Society Institute


Host: MEP Gerald Häfner.


12 January 2010

20. The PISA Study and lessons learned regarding the Quality of Childhood with Andreas Schleicher, Head of the Indicators and

Analysis Division of the OECD Directorate for Education.

Host: MEP Evelyn Regner.

Year 2009

8 December 2009

19. Why Love Matters: How Affection Shapes a Baby's Brain,  and the policy requirements in this respect with Sue Gerhardt, author of

the book with the similar title. 

Host: MEP Evelyn Regner. 


17 November 2009

18. The Technical University of Dortmund won the tender issued by the European Commission to execute a Research Project to

identify the key research questions regarding families and family policies. The leader of this project, Professor Dr. Uwe Uhlendorff

gave a briefing on this Project and spoke about 'Developing a European Research Agenda for Families and Family Policies'.

Host: MEP Lívia Járóka.


8 September 2009

17. 'Continuing to work on improving the Quality of Childhood in the European Union during the present economic downturn' with

Professor Emeritus Richard Wilkinson, co-author of the book 'The Spirit Level, Why More Equal Societies Almost Always do Better'.

Host: MEP Rovana Plumb.


28 April 2009

16. Professor Peter Moss (University of London) about young children and their services: developing a European approach.

Host: MEP Rovana Plumb.


3 March 2009

15. 'Taking stock of what has been achieved with the Working Group since December 2006 and looking forward' with

Michiel Matthes, Secretary-General of the Alliance for Childhood European Network.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


27 January 2009

14. Dr. Michel Vandenbroeck (University of Ghent, Belgium) about 'Diversity and Equity in Early Childhood Services'.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.

Year 2008

17 November 2008

13. Organisation of a Symposium in Bucharest, Romania at the request of MEP Mrs Rovana Plumb: 'A European Policy Agenda

for the Quality of Childhood with special emphasis on the case of the children of Romanian migrant workers'.


12 November 2008

12. Professor Boris Cyrulnik from France: 'What measures can we take to improve the quality of childhood in the European


Host: MEP Rovana Plumb.


16 September 2008

11. Presentation of the report of the Fundación Marcelino Botín entitled 'Social and Emotional Education, An International

Analysis' by Christopher Clouder and Fátima Sánchez Santiago.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


1 July 2008

10. Professor Steen Hildebrandt (University of Aarhus, Denmark) about the 'Multiple intelligences in the knowledge-based


Host: MEP Rovana Plumb.


14 May 2008

9. Professor René Diekstra about 'The Changing Face of Adolescence. Accounting for changes in adolescent development

and their effects on education and social policies'.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


4 March 2008

8. 'A vision on children and childhood in the European Union' by Michiel Matthes.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


8 January 2008

7. 'Attachment, what it is, why it is important and what we can do about it to help young children acquire a secure

attachment?' with Sir Richard Bowlby.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.

Year 2007

6 November 2007

6. 'How to let children and adolescents acquire key competences for the world of the 21st century? with Dr. Martina

Leibovici-Mühlberger from Austria and Geseke Lundgren from Sweden.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


20 September 2007

5. 'How can we improve in the European Union the Early Childhood Educational Systems' with John Bennett, the author of the OECD

Study Starting Strong.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


15 May 2007

4. 'The Child: his/her Networks and Neighbourhood' with René Diekstra.

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


6 March 2007

3. 'The Quality of Child-Adult Relationships in Families and School' with Jesper Juul (Denmark).

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.


9 January 2007

2. 'Really Improving the Education in the European Union requires Systemic Changes' with professor Luc Stevens (Netherlands) and

Professor Ferre Laevers (Belgium).

Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.

Year 2006

5 December 2006

1. 'The Toxic Childhood Syndrome and the Quality of Childhood' with Christopher Clouder (UK) and Professor Hans van Crombrugge


Host: MEP Karin Resetarits.

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